Camping is probably the most fun-filled adventure activity people engage in. But all the fun can go for a toss if the food isn’t great. But is it logical in the least bit to expect great food on a camping trip? Certainly not, right? Wrong! With certain food hacks, having good food during a camping trip is a piece of cake.
What tricks are we talking about? Here are those Perfect Camping Food Hacks You Should Know to make your camping more enjoyable. Also here we have some Easy Food Hacks That Will Change the Way You Cook. Have a look-
Perfect Camping Food Hacks You Should Know
Love omelettes? Well, you will not have to part ways with them just because you are on a camping trip. Put the egg white and yolk inside a ziplock bag, keep it in boiling water and your omelette is ready.
Cut an orange into halves, eat the flesh, don’t damage the peel. Pour cooking oil in the hollowed space, light the stem with fire and your long-lasting candle is ready.
Not finding appropriate boxes or containers to store your spices? Well, use tic tac boxes for this purpose. You can also use pill organisers instead of tic tac boxes.
Don’t have a can opener handy? Don’t worry! Rub the can against a rock vigorously and then try to open it. If it doesn’t open, rub again. You will surely get success after a couple of shots.
Want to prepare coffee dips for easy coffee preparation? Well, use coffee filters and fill them up with coffee and then tie them with dental floss, your coffee dips are ready.
Tin foil is going to act as your best friend at a campsite. check out some simple and Easy To Cook Summer Food recipes that will help you treat your friends and family members. So, you should carry it in sufficient quantity on your camping trip.
You can use an empty can to bake apple pies. You don’t need an oven for it though. You will do fine with the campfire.
It’s never advisable to carry eggs with their shells on, to your campsite. During their journey from the refrigerator to the car to the campsite, they will break. As an alternative, you can crack as many eggs as you want in a bowl, put salt and then transfer the mixture into a bottle. This bottle can be carried with us.
You can make use of orange peels (cup-shaped) to bake muffins. All you need is to prepare the batter and then put the batter filled orange peels on hot charcoal.
So, you love seasoning! After all, who loves bland tasting food? But is it possible to carry your entire kitchen pantry to your campsite? Of course not! As a solution, you can pack your seasonings in plastic straws, close ends with fire and then use them to make food taste better.
Although there are many Perfect Camping Food Hacks You Should Know, this one is a life-saver. Also here’s taking a look at few innovative, smart and creative food plating ideas. Instead of cooking separate dishes, make one pot breakfasts, lunches and dinners.
Do you have store-bought cinnamon rolls with you? Just use the campfire heat to bake them. Yes, you don’t need an oven for this.
Grilling and boiling should be your most preferred methods of cooking while camping.
To prevent perishables from spoiling, don’t forget to take a cooler with you, especially when the camping trip is long.
Out of all the Perfect Camping Food Hacks, You Should Know, you will enjoy this the most. Avoid margination by sprinkling fresh herbs like basil and oregano on hot coal, so that your dishes get that smell of margination effortlessly.
Perfect Camping Food Hacks You Should Know like the ones above can make your camping trip all the more memorable. Good memories don’t just get created with beautiful sceneries and great people around, you also need a satisfied tummy to be a part of wonderful camping memories. And that is why these tips can make your camping trip extra special! Here are a few Amazing Cooking Hacks for Working Women that you can resort to. So, keep them in mind the next time you go camping, and help your tummy support you while you make memories!