Everything You Need To Know Before Your First Tattoo


Are you getting tattoo inked for the first time, but feeling scared? Thousands of questions might be coming to your mind like – How bad will it hurt? How much blood loss will be there from body? How much will it cost? Well, leave all your worries fellow friends. I just got my first tattoo and it really feels like on top of the world. I have no regrets, in fact I loved it…feeling extremely happy.

Yes, getting tattoo for the first time seems a little intimidating, but there are few things to know well in advance that will make you feel more confident and you’ll get enough strength to bear the pain of your first tattoo. To remove your fear, we thought it’d be a good idea to share those points with you. If you’re eager to learn more about the language of spiritual symbols, please read the following points and explore new different meaning of your favorite spiritual tattoo design!! Everything you need to know before your first tattoo helps you in expressing yourself in front of others (professional tattoo artists) and they’re just fun! Check them!

Everything You Need To Know Before Your First Tattoo

Start Small!

If it’s your first tattoo, don’t start with a massive piece of art either at back or thigh as it will take 3 sessions for a complete work. It’s because we care for you and you might want to know how well you take the pain before committing fixed hours of time for engraving it completely.

Try Not to Copy Other Tattoo Designs!

Searching for a unique tattoo design is everything you need to know before your first tattoo. If you ask your tattoo artist to get you the same design of your friend’s, then it’s a little bit cheeky to exactly copy the other’s person work. TAKE INSPIRATION from other people’s work but, use your own imagination to create a design that suits your personality. Here are 12 zodiac sign tattoo designs with meanings are very different from one another, but each zodiac sign has few characteristics that are displayed by us (the humans) born under that sign.

Research your Tattoo Artist!

In today’s modernized age, most of the tattoo artists have instagram account, so take a look at their previous work and assure their style suits you or not. If you’ve picked a right artist, they will be a session pro and will know what works well. And, if your tattoo artist expresses a strong concern about the design you selected, definitely take their opinion into consideration.

Before Task: Eat Something and Drink Lots of Water!

Before tattoo, it’s important to have something in your stomach and stay hydrated as getting tattoo inked is a long term process. Also, ensure that your sugar levels are up before settling down to the tattooist’s chair because you’re going to be in the studio for a prolonged period of time. Here are some Mysterious mandala tattoo designs that create mysterious imaginations in the mind of the wearer and they start thinking beyond their imagination.

Stick To Your Guns!

Some tattoo artists are very clever! If they find something tough or time consuming, they might suggest you some changes like – adding some different color, changing a part of the design little bit. Friends! It’s natural for them to do creative changes, but if you’re not comfortable with their suggestions, SAY NO because it’s important among everything you need to know before your first tattoo.  

Don’t go for Spots that are often in Direct Sunlight!

Yeah, parts of skin that are more exposed to sun, pigments can break down quickly. If you’re in a job that has lot of outside work and worried about fading your skin color, consider getting inked in a spot that less exposed to sun such as – the inside of your wrist, thigh, ankle, etc.

Well, Tattoo Enthusiasts! Getting your tat for the first time can be both terrifying and exciting, but if you acquire complete knowledge about everything you need to know before your first tattoo, then it’s not as bad as you think because tattoo world has its own subculture with its own norms and this is the main reason why getting a tattoo has become significantly less taboo from past few years.

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