Isn’t it a great experience observing animals in their natural surroundings and taking their pictures to share with your friends later on? As human beings, animals also love to have their own personal space to perform their activities successfully. But today, I am feeling ashamed in saying that sill there are some people out there who believes that animals are just dumb beasts. So, sad…! Hey…animal lovers, you don’t worry at all! The unbelievable intimate animal shots we’ve gathered here in this post will prove that they are capable enough to be loved and feel compassionate just like we are….so cute, really!
Guys, if you think animal photography is an easy task, then you’re wrong. It requires great deal of patience, time and off course…luck! Some animal shots may seem quite dangerous, but they were actually made possible with the help of professional animal trainers. One of the main things which a person needs to keep in mind is that ensuring whole picture is made under natural light. Let’s take a look at some of the most beautiful examples of portrait photography. While, some other look simply adorable and heart-throbbing…Wow!
Unbelievable Intimate Animal Shots
Let’s check out few shots that are unbelievable!
Giraffe and Ostrich Enjoying in Gardens!
Don’t you think? Its great watching giraffe and ostrich enjoying, sharing their feeling of love, care and close friendship with each other in bush gardens of U.S. These two cute animals…share a huge 65-acre area which means that they are not forced to spend time together, they do it willingly!
The Dog and the Owl Spending Valuable Time Together!
Do you want to see a true example of dog’s love, without wasting much time – CHECK THIS! Have you ever seen a dog adopting an owl’s chick when he is just 6 months old himself…yes, just 6 months! It’s among unbelievable intimate animal shots where a dog is taking good care of an owl’s chick and the two have become inseparable pals! To start with just start helping yourself by learning the fact that there’s a Golden and best hour for moon photography which is completely magical. Here are some Examples.
A Dog Protecting a Lion’s Cub!
Seriously, you will be shocked to know that how much loving heart this dog has? The dog protected the lion cub under his wing and gave warmth when he discovered that the lion was suffering from a metabolic bone disease which left him disabled and he has to strive hard for survival….Like dog, we must also help others!
The Wild Boar Piglet and the Dog Playing in Park!
Can you imagine a wild boar piglet starving for survival and food in fields? It’s disgusting..!
The company of cute little dog changed his attitude towards life completely and he started recovering well from the problem of depression (living alone). It’s among touchy unbelievable intimate animal shots and we bet, both the animals have definitely created a small place in your heart, right!
The Orangutan and the Dog doing Swimming!
What a great friendship, we must say! A dog living with orangutan since his childhood days and follows only his instructions….interesting, yes! They both look fabulous and reflect extreme care towards each other while doing swimming and it seems like the dog has no other home to go to. This proves that they are true Friends and won’t leave each other at any cost! Then, why we human beings can’t think like that.
The Labrador saving the Duckling!
A true savior, we must call a Labrador by this name. Now, you must be thinking why? When the little ducking lost her mother which was mauled by a fox, it was the Labrador who rescued the duckling and they became best buddies ever since. This can be viewed in various pictures of the Labrador and ducking. The different shots show that Labrador has a big and good heart! Fascinating Black and White Photography is trending these days and has become a symbol of subtle imagery. There are a number of B&W photography examples which can be explored in magazines and newspapers.

Friends! At last, we conclude – whatever the reason could be, unbelievable intimate animal shots like these show that animals are far more emotionally attached rather than a human being….HATS OFF TO THEM AND THEIR UNCONDITIONAL LOVE TOWARDS OTHER ANIMALS!