45 Special Love Quotes For Valentines Day


Valentine Day is a beautiful festival of love celebrated worldwide every year in the month of February with great joy and happiness. On this special day, couples show their intimate feeling of romance and love to each other by dedicating different symbols like – heart balloons, heart-shaped pillows, red and pink colored roses, figure of winged cupids, statues of couples dancing together and so on.

Special Love Quotes For Valentines Day

As this love season is going to commence soon, plan something very memorable for your partner this Valentine Day. Instead of gifting a store-brought card, it’s nice to create your own hand-made card with one of your special love quotes for Valentine’s Day highlighted inside it. Here are some Valentines Day food ideas that may prove great help to you.

Special Love Quotes For Valentines Day

Special Love Quotes For Valentines Day (1)

Special Love Quotes For Valentines Day (2)

Special Love Quotes For Valentines Day (3)

Special Love Quotes For Valentines Day (5)

Just 10 Things You Should Know to Stay Healthy and voila; eve a marathon runner won’t beat you in sprint. In the present scenario, the promises and commitment done by couples hold a significant value in their life and are treated as lifelong promises. This New Year, make the day completely unforgettable for your beloved by writing attractive, romantic love quotes that reveals out your loving nature. Feel pleasure in sharing special love quotes for Valentine’s Day with your loved ones.

  • “Loving someone and having them love you back is the most precious thing in the world.”
  • “Each time I saw you, I fell in more love and you always smile because you knew.”
  • “If I could be anything in the world I would want to be a teardrop because I would to be born from your eyes, live on your cheeks, and die on your lips.”

Special Love Quotes For Valentines Day (9)

  • “Anyone can look into your eyes, but to take your heart you really need the presence of someone very special in your life.”
  • “The most precious stone of the world is ‘True Love.”
  • “Many stars I see in the sky shinning like a diamond, but I can’t see amazing star like you.”
  • “Love is a smoke made with the flames of two loving birds.”

  • “Love is a symbol of eternity. It wipes out all tensions of time, destroying old memories for a fresh beginning and fears for happy ending.”
  • “Greatest happiness of life to be loved by someone.”
  • “A life without love is like a body without soul.”

Special Love Quotes For Valentines Day (12)

  • “Love is just only a word until someone comes along, brings happiness, and makes it beautiful in a real sense.”
  • “The minute I heard name of my first love, I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.”
  • “Life takes us on different paths, but love helps us in getting there at the right time.”

Special Love Quotes For Valentines Day (13)

  • “The most beautiful and true relationship a Boy and a Girl share….is the deep love inside their heart.”
  • “Loving her…is the beginning and the ending of everything in my life.”
  • “For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but touched my soul.”
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