Meteor Shower
Some more examples of incredible meteor shower photography, Another type is clicking the Night Sky which begins from the moon and goes till the meteor showers.
Harvest Moon
Moonlight photography ideas and tips just don’t end up here; there are more ways to make this happen. To start with just start helping yourself by learning the fact that there’s a Golden and best hour for moon photography which is completely magical. During this time you’ll get the most desired results and phases for getting pictures of the moon. Although, you may have to do some tough calculations, to find out exactly when this hour will come. Though there are lots of many technicalities involved, the Extraordinary Drone Photography Ideas And Tips are going to give you the experience.
Adding Reference
The next one is adding a point of reference. Simply capturing the moon by itself is boring. Just make it breathtaking by including a point of reference to provide more character and flavor to every snapshot of the moon.