Wanted to learn drawing animals form a long time? But, not getting enough ideas. Today, in this post we show you many simple and cute animal illustration ideas as well as shortcuts that will speed up and simplify your drawing endeavor significantly because….DRAWING ANIMALS IS FUN!! Yeah, with continuous practice and correct guidance you’ll notice that it’s easy to draw animals. One of the best ways is to get a tracing paper and copy as many pictures of animals with their natural surroundings as possible.
Various artists have published different illustrations on animals. Some of them are easily recognizable, while others not so much. Interestingly, also here are unbelievable intimate animal shots that show that animals are far more emotionally attached rather than a human being. Many of these illustrations are humorous and joy filled pieces of artwork that have been an integral part of many stories based on animals or been used to inform a reader about the animal. Check these examples!
Cute Animal Illustration Ideas
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Illustration of a Bactrian camel
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The two-humped ungulates are much rarer than their single-humped dromedary cousin. Moreover, they’re critically endangered. This illustration would have been more accurate if the beast had more fur and higher humps.
Illustration of a Giraffe
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No illustration could ever be as adorable as this cutest drawing. If you’ve never seen a giraffe before, then this illustration is quite helpful. Fun fact – giraffe looks like cartilage covered in skin with more typical horns. Many people called giraffes as “camel-leopards” because of the small hump on the back and the spotted coat.
Illustration of a Turtle
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This illustration seems to be scary – which appears to show the animal’s musculature, in addition to an empty shell. Sea turtles don’t have teeth, they use their beaks to eat and stiff. Here is a list of some great doodle art tutorials. Have a look just before you try making one.
Illustration of a Beaver
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Looking for cute animal illustration ideas? How can you forget beavers, hmmm? They have pretty gnarly incisors – they are harder on the front and then on the back, this in turn helps them to create a sharp edge to chisel away at food. But, they don’t look as terrifying as others.
Illustration of an Anglerfish
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You’ll find very little information about this illustration which shows three different species of female anglerfish. Yes, there are more than 200 species of anglerfish, to mate, the males latch on to the females and ultimately fuse onto their bodies providing sperm whenever she’s ready to spawn.
Illustration of a Hippopotamus
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Yes, Hippos are much shorter than other animals and they prefer to spend most of their time in the water and don’t like walking at all. This
Illustration highlights that hippos and crocs do sometimes face off in the wild, though it seems impossible.
Illustration of a Tiger
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One word sum up this illustration and that’s ‘Ahh’! Tigers are cute, agree? Their close stripes, the happy smile, high and slender build, and fur at the end of the tail are super stunning to look at in this illustration.
Illustration of a Green Frog
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This illustration is devoted entirely to frogs. That’s true there are many species of green frog, but this one is among cutest animal illustration ideas of 2017 comprising of 25 species from Europe and Asia. They have light to dark olive green or brown background color with small, irregular dark brown spots.
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Now, here we have mention some step-by-step illustrations just to show you how to draw cute animals in a creative, presentable and effective way. Capturing animals in multiple locations worldwide is not an easy task to accomplish. Remember, one cannot get better only by reading about animal’s drawings or watching other people’s drawings, in the same way, as you cannot hire anyone to do the pushups for you and expect your muscles growing! It’s just how you see and observe these cute animal illustration ideas. Sounds interesting, isn’t it! Try them and you’ll see surprising results.