Painting Clouds: Step by Step Guide for Beginners


The sky and clouds make for an amazing background for most of our landscape paintings. And that is why it is important to know how to paint clouds. If you think there is nothing easier than creating cloud masses with your paints, then you couldn’t be more wrong. It is difficult, not just for amateurs but also for expert painters. After all, clouds don’t look impressive if they don’t radiate that fluffy and delicate feel. And to get that feel right, people practice for years on end. If you too are interested in Painting Clouds: Step by Step Guide For Beginners, then here are the steps for you. Here is a complete guide about tips for painting with acrylics for everyone that will help you begin your artistic journey. Have a look-

Painting Clouds: Step by Step Guide for Beginners

Painting Clouds Step by Step Guide for Beginners

First, Focus on the Background

Painting Clouds Step by Step Guide for Beginners
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Let’s begin Painting Clouds: Step by Step Guide For Beginners with this logical first step. So, what you need to do here is to create the background. This background is for the clouds that you are going to make. So, make sure you leave no stone unturned to make it look natural. Remember, this background is nothing but the sky, so you will have to play with blues and white.

Positioning of the Clouds

Painting Clouds Step by Step Guide for Beginners
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This may be called planning. In this step, you need to look at your canvas and then decide on where exactly you want your cloud masses. The reason why this step is so important is that this will help you stay within your limits. You will not overdo things. If you love painting clouds, then it’s likely that you will paint so many of them that your entire canvas will look cluttered. To make sure this doesn’t happen, you should plan where your clouds are to be placed.

Mind your Brush

Painting Clouds Step by Step Guide for Beginners
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Now, different paint mediums need you to use different brushes. Also, if you are painting with acrylic paint, then make sure you work with a dry brush. Just take a dry brush, dip it in a little bit of white paint and begin your strokes. However, if you are painting with watercolour, then you might have to dampen your brush a little before you use the paint.

Light Strokes

Painting Clouds Step by Step Guide for Beginners
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When you paint with your brush, make sure your strokes are not too hard. Gentle strokes will make your clouds look soft. On the other hand, when you paint with hard strokes, the clouds look unnecessarily prominent and loud. If you don’t want that to happen, have control on your brush when you paint. Here we have some Tips to Paint Galaxies with examples.

The Edges

Painting Clouds Step by Step Guide for Beginners
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The edges of the clouds should not be too sharp and distinct. Use leftover paint to create edges. When you use less colour to paint the edges, you get a dreamy effect. If you don’t want to use any extra paint to create the edges, then use the existing paint on the canvas to create them, by pushing it outward.

ow, Comes Shading

Painting Clouds Step by Step Guide for Beginners
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Shading is extremely important if you want to make your clouds look realistic. Now, the question is- how to do the shading part. Well, for that, you will need some grey paint. Create grey by mixing white and black if you don’t already have it. Now, use this grey to make semi-circular strokes here and there on the cloud, especially at the bottom of each mass. This creates a magical effect.

Smaller Clouds Farther

Painting Clouds Step by Step Guide for Beginners
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This makes the last point of the “Painting Clouds: Step by Step Guide For Beginners.” Make sure your painting doesn’t have equal sized clouds. The bigger ones are going to indicate they are at the front, and the smaller ones indicate distance.

Painting Clouds Step by Step Guide for Beginners
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Painting Clouds Step by Step Guide for Beginners
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Painting Clouds Step by Step Guide for Beginners
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Painting Clouds Step by Step Guide for Beginners
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Painting Clouds Step by Step Guide for Beginners
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Painting Clouds Step by Step Guide for Beginners
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Painting Clouds Step by Step Guide for Beginners
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Painting Clouds Step by Step Guide for Beginners
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The above details that entail a Painting Clouds: Step by Step Guide For Beginners sum it up all. So, the next time you are ready with your canvas and brushes for a cloud painting, make sure you have these steps registered in your mind. They are easy to follow and will help you create the best cloud painting. You can check out all the Useful Acrylic Pour Paintings Tips for Beginners dished out here-

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