50 Pleasing Geometric Tattoos Designs and Ideas


Geometric Tattoos Designs and Ideas (2)

This tattoo has a great influence on the mind of the other people. The artists use vibrant color to have a bold effect of this tattoo over your body. The nautilus shell tattoo shape is in the shape of a golden spiral and is considered as a standard symbol for measuring the golden ratio such as – the length of your arms to your body, the distance between your eyes and head and so many other things.

Mandala Geometric Tattoo Design

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If you are looking for temporary geometric tattoo designs and ideas, then Mandela tattoo designs are at the top most priority among the people. Mandala symbols are a part of Indian culture and religion. Moreover, these symbols have crossed the boundaries of religion and culture and are universally accepted. The tattoo looks amazing on the upper part of your back and thighs.

Owl Shaped Geometric Tattoos

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Geometric Tattoos Designs and Ideas (11)

Geometric Tattoos Designs and Ideas (12)

Owl geometric tattoos are associated with sharpness and intelligence. Symbol of Owl holds a special place in geometric tattoo designs because they have a deeper symbolic meaning than other regular low grade tattoos. You can have good view of this kind of tattoo over your arm and lower back area. Getting a tattoo done is a very sweet way of telling to the world that how dedicated you are towards your work or personal relationships. But, there are certain things you should know before getting a tattoo 

Ouroborus Geometric Tattoo Design

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Ouroborus is the famous geometric symbol used since ancient times. The tattoo reveals out a special meaning to everyone and signifies a dragon which devours its own tail and symbolizes the self reflexivity of a person in the circle of life.

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Geometric Tattoos Designs and Ideas (5)

Geometric tattoos are highly popularized among both men and women as they have a striking effect and hold an aesthetic value. These tattoo designs are only available with professionally trained tattoo artists and comes in variety of designs and sizes depending on the pattern and texture. Geometric tattoo designs and ideas have become top choice among tattoo lovers and tattoo artists because of the colorful patterns and long-lasting effect. They are purely ornamental in look.

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